Unable to initialize the encoder for Voukoder 7.1

  • I'm using Voukoder 7.1current latest version. I tried to render 2K 30 FPS with Voukoder h.264 default settings and I got error. Below is log file massage.

    [22:45:47] =============================================

    [22:45:47] Voukoder 7 (7.0.115)

    [22:45:47] by Daniel Stankewitz

    [22:45:47] ---------------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 640 Processor

    [22:45:47] 4 logical cores

    [22:45:47] 8189 MB system memory

    [22:45:47] Display #0 on: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450

    [22:45:47] ---------------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] ---------------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] Export started

    [22:45:47] ---------------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] Filename: H:\dv\test.mp4

    [22:45:47] Application: Voukoder (Adobe Premiere)

    [22:45:47] - Video -------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] Frame size: 1920x1080

    [22:45:47] Pixel aspect: 1:1

    [22:45:47] Timebase: -2136068775/-920509440 (0.43 fps)

    [22:45:47] Interlaced: No

    [22:45:47] Encoder: libx264

    [22:45:47] Options: _pixelFormat=yuv420p crf=17.000 opencl=1 preset=medium rc=crf

    [22:45:47] Side data: <none>

    [22:45:47] Filters: <none>

    [22:45:47] Passes: 1

    [22:45:47] Color range: unknown

    [22:45:47] Color space: unknown

    [22:45:47] Color primaries: unknown

    [22:45:47] Color transfer: unknown

    [22:45:47] - Audio -------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] Timebase: 1/48000

    [22:45:47] Channels: 2

    [22:45:47] Encoder: aac

    [22:45:47] Options: _sampleFormat=fltp b=320000 profile=aac_low

    [22:45:47] Side data: <none>

    [22:45:47] Filters: <none>

    [22:45:47] ---------------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] Opening codec: libx264 with options: crf=17.000|opencl=1|preset=medium|rc=crf

    [22:45:47] FFmpeg: The encoder timebase is not set.

    [22:45:47] Failed opening codec: libx264

    [22:45:47] Unable to open video encoder: libx264

    [22:45:47] Closing encoders ...

    [22:45:47] Opening encoder failed! Aborting ...

    Edited once, last by kevin ke (January 25, 2021 at 4:13 PM).

  • Vouk February 11, 2021 at 10:46 AM

    Added the label Not a bug