Posts by kevin ke

    Yes I will investigate here. I will probably need a chinese contact person who explains the whole situation in china to me. Preferably with good english skills and also knowing how to work together internationally. Can you use this website without VPN?


    Edit: Does this link work in china?

    thanks for your replay,sir. this link is great.

    I'm using Voukoder 7.1current latest version. I tried to render 2K 30 FPS with Voukoder h.264 default settings and I got error. Below is log file massage.

    [22:45:47] =============================================

    [22:45:47] Voukoder 7 (7.0.115)

    [22:45:47] by Daniel Stankewitz

    [22:45:47] ---------------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 640 Processor

    [22:45:47] 4 logical cores

    [22:45:47] 8189 MB system memory

    [22:45:47] Display #0 on: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450

    [22:45:47] ---------------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] ---------------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] Export started

    [22:45:47] ---------------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] Filename: H:\dv\test.mp4

    [22:45:47] Application: Voukoder (Adobe Premiere)

    [22:45:47] - Video -------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] Frame size: 1920x1080

    [22:45:47] Pixel aspect: 1:1

    [22:45:47] Timebase: -2136068775/-920509440 (0.43 fps)

    [22:45:47] Interlaced: No

    [22:45:47] Encoder: libx264

    [22:45:47] Options: _pixelFormat=yuv420p crf=17.000 opencl=1 preset=medium rc=crf

    [22:45:47] Side data: <none>

    [22:45:47] Filters: <none>

    [22:45:47] Passes: 1

    [22:45:47] Color range: unknown

    [22:45:47] Color space: unknown

    [22:45:47] Color primaries: unknown

    [22:45:47] Color transfer: unknown

    [22:45:47] - Audio -------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] Timebase: 1/48000

    [22:45:47] Channels: 2

    [22:45:47] Encoder: aac

    [22:45:47] Options: _sampleFormat=fltp b=320000 profile=aac_low

    [22:45:47] Side data: <none>

    [22:45:47] Filters: <none>

    [22:45:47] ---------------------------------------------

    [22:45:47] Opening codec: libx264 with options: crf=17.000|opencl=1|preset=medium|rc=crf

    [22:45:47] FFmpeg: The encoder timebase is not set.

    [22:45:47] Failed opening codec: libx264

    [22:45:47] Unable to open video encoder: libx264

    [22:45:47] Closing encoders ...

    [22:45:47] Opening encoder failed! Aborting ...