• Hi Guys... i use to create multi channel MASTER files in with audio channels are grouped into interleaved tracks.

    If i have 2 tracks with 5.1 channels, i wuold like to obtain the same scheme into the MOV file. Instead i reach multiple mono tracks. I can fix it inside Quicktime Pro using a manual set.

    what i am doing wrong?

  • Vouk January 9, 2025 at 3:46 PM

    Approved the thread.
  • Perfect. It should be possible with DVRS.

    Normally all audio bus data will be sent over to Voukoder Pro and it will render different audio tracks for it in one file.

    If you want to process each audio track differently in Voukoder Pro an input node can be set up to react just to one NLE track. So you'd need multiple input nodes.

    Do you have issues with it? Can you share a screenshot of your audio config in DVRS deliver view?

  • i try to explain! this is my TL configuration and export settings

    when i import file in NLE software it recognise the 5.1 as a multimono track

    exporting from NLE instead, i can obtain 5.1 interleaved tracks and it would show like this

    If i open the prores file using QUICKTIME PRO, and i refresh 5.1 metadata, it will works fine!

    Thank you so much for your time!

    all the best


  • If I import the DNx clip and export it as ProRes / ALAC it correctly writes a file with 1 video and 1 audio 5.1 track.

    Your ProRes file (from Voukoder) looks also correct:

    Still... what's confusing me is that I indeed saw a file with 1 video and 6 mono tracks when I tried it the first time. I just can't reproduce it anymore. Strange ...

    Anyways, the code looks correct: Mono, Stereo, 5.1 and 7.1 get exported as the name says and everything else as sets of mono channels.

    It's just important the audio settings look like this:

    • "Render one track per channel" has to be DISABLED. Otherwiese you'd see the 6 mono channels.
    • Output Track 1 always has to be set on a timeline value (not on the stereo bus)

    Can you confirm your settings are like these?

  • Yes, you'r right. But i didn't mess those options.

    The file it seems to be correct. But when reimported in Resolve it has some issues. If i correct it using QTPro, it will be readable again with the correct audio scheme. It seems to have some issues in channel naming!