• Version 1.2.1

    For using NVENC (SDK 12) encoders driver version 531.61 or later is required. Using FFmpeg 6.1 as LGPL.

    Fixes / Changes

    • Added the global encoder (rate control) options to most encoders (Please report where which options are still missing)


    Thanks to my all supporters by PayPal and Patreon.

    Top Patrons

    Gronkh, Schauerland, Chris Woods, Decoherent, kunzd, Ben Fotovich and Michael

  • Version 1.2.2

    For using NVENC (SDK 12.2) encoders driver version 551.76 or later is required. Using FFmpeg 7.0 / LGPL.

    Fixes / Changes

    • Migrated to FFmpeg 7.0 / LGPL build
    • Fixed the Designer App crash when loading the scenes from an older version
    • Fixed the PostProc node command line execution
    • Fixed the constant bitrate bug with the AAC encoder


    Thanks to all supporters by PayPal and Patreon.

    Top Patrons

    Gronkh, Schauerland, Chris Woods, Decoherent, kunzd, Ben Fotovich and Michael

  • If I manually install to the \Program Files\VEGAS Pro 15.0 folder (using an unused Vegas 18/19/20 option in install menu, then manually entering the target folder), I get the following behavior in Vegas 15:

    • When clicking "Render As" in Vegas, instead of the Render As menu appearing, I get a simple popup box which says "VoukoderPro for VEGAS Pro, (C) 2023, Daniel Stankewitz" with an OK button.
    • If I hit OK, then the main Vegas Render As window appears.
    • VoukoderPro does not appear in the Render As list.
    • voukoderproplug-vegas18.dll (or 20, etc.) does appear in the Vegas 15 components list.

    Tried manually copying VoukoderPro files from a working Vegas 20 installation to Vegas 15 folders. Same behavior as above. Files copied:

    • \Vegas Pro 20.0\Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config
    • \Vegas Pro 20.0\FileIO Plug-Ins\voukoderproplug\