Limited TV gamma on h264, h265 export after update to Voucoder 12.2 for Resolve

  • Hello everyone. I updated Voucoder to latest version. I use it for Resolve. I found out that 10 bit footage exported in h264 and h265 has limited "TV gamma" like 16-235 levels. I tried both .mp4 and .mov containers, imported clips to different software to double check the gamma and confirm that the range is limited. But prores exports are good and have full gamma. 8 bit h264 and h265 are also good and contrasty with full gamma. There were no such issues in previous Voucoder version 11.x. Maybe I missed some parameters?

    And BTW what's the difference betwee Prores KS and Proes AW?

  • Vouk February 4, 2023 at 6:32 PM

    Approved the thread.
  • Hm... I'm not aware of making any changes regarding this issue and I guess this is rather a setting in DVRS.

    ProRes AW and ProRes KS are different ProRes encoders. The two characters are the initials of their developers. They are both not certified by Apple. In my opinion KS is more advanced and thus marked as "Recommended".

  • I find out that if I set Data Levels to "Video" in Resolve's export advanced setting the rendered file turns out to be with the right gamma and I do not need to interpret it manually to normalise with original file after import. If I set Data Levels to Auto or Full the exported file appears to be with limited range when I import it back to Resolve.