Posts by tourist07

    I have Resolve 18.6.2 and decided to test the latest Voukoder Pro update again. (Have been using normal Voukoder for my tasks before because it was stable).

    I'm getting "Invalid String Position" Error when encoding to Prores AW LT with Resolve. I'm exporting individual clips. One sequence rendered without an error. On the other one the error raised for the 5th clip. I removed clips 1-4 and tried again. The error popped out again and again for this clip on different render percentage. I tried to figure out what's the difference between those clips but have not found any fx or noticeble differences. The camera and codec were the same for all clips. Tried other exports for other source codecs and the same error randomly raised again prety often after some exporting effort.

    Daniel, thanks so much for releasing new version of Voukoder Pro and keeping Prores AW in it.

    I did codecs test for personal workflows. I tested different encoder performance on a detailed 30 seconds 29.97 fps footage 4:2:2 10 bit shot on Sony A7 s III converted to uncompressed 4:2:2 10 bit file. There was a human running into the ocean with lots of movements and splashes to make footage more challenging to encode. I tested the PSNR, bitrate, editability.

    I found that Prores KS underperforms the original Apple codec in PSNR while keeping the samish bitrate as original one.

    Prores AW is on pair (or even better) with original Apple encoder and has higher bitrate.

    Also Prores AW is much faster then Prores KW on my Legion 5 Pro i9 13900HX, 64GB RAM, RTX 4070.

    Long story short. I think it is worth adding different profiles for Prores AW like you did for Prores KS. They may be added with "-profile" command. It has rate-control for 4 profiles: 0 - apco, 1 - apcs, 2 - apcn, 3 - apch.

    I will share my encoder tests in attached image. And there's also a comparison between Prores AW LT and Prores KS LT PSNRs for a batch of 10 different files (4:2:2 10 bit). You can see KS version underperformance in quality:

    Prores AW LT:
    Average batch PSNR: 50.2116. MIN frame PSNR in batch: 43.97
    Average files PSNRs: 45.68 47.01 52.83 54.13 48.46 44.62 46.75 55.94 49.46 53.84

    Prores KS LT
    Average batch PSNR: 47.9347. MIN frame PSNR in batch: 38.6
    Average files PSNRs: 41.75 44.70 50.54 53.20 45.73 39.64 42.71 56.19 47.54 53.04

    Hello. Could you share your render speed for h264 (x264) 10bit 4:2:0 in resolve please?

    I got confusing rendering speed on my Legion 5 (4800H, GTX1660Ti, DDR 64Gb), latest Voucoder 12.2 and connector, latest Nvidia Drivers.

    My render speed results for 8 sec Sony X-AVC I 10 bit 4:2:2 59,94 Log UHD (around 600Mbps) 589 MB file without any color correction are:

    Resolve Voucoder x264 10 bit 4:2:0 CRF 12 ultrafast - 2.7 fps 226 MB

    Resolve Voucoder x264 10 bit 4:2:0 CRF 12 medium - 2.52 fps 210 MB

    Resolve Voucoder ProresKS HQ - 9.2 fps - 966 MB

    Resolve Voucoder ProresKS LT - 6.5 fps - 611 MB

    Handbrake x264 10 bit 4:2:0 CRF 12 ultrafast - 29.04 fps 130 MB

    Handbrake x264 10 bit 4:2:0 CRF 12 medium - 13.15 fps 70 MB

    Handbrake x264 10 bit 4:2:0 CRF 0 medium - 7.95 fps 318 MB

    Handbrake x264 10 bit 4:2:0 CRF 0 ultrafast - 23.14 fps 486 MB

    Handbrake x264 10 bit 4:2:0 CRF -6 medium - 6.83 fps 603 MB

    It seems Handbrake uses different CRF scale and with the same CRF produces lower quality files.

    I tried to compare quality in FFmetrics but it showed confusing results. Handbrake export and ProresKS showed too much lower PSNR than x264 from Voucoder in Resolve.
    So I reexported all files to x264 10bit lossless 4:4:4 (FFmetrics shows significantly lower results for some uncompressed formarts with unknown luma range like Prores 4444XQ, Quicktime Uncompressed so I exported to x264). It's important to set "YUV high bit depth" setting in Resolve when exporting with Voucoder.

    To compare the PSNR with original file from camera:

    Original File exported to x264 10 bit 4:4:4 lossless - 62 dB

    Resolve Voucoder ProresKS HQ - 9.2 fps - 966 MB - 61.83 dB

    Resolve Voucoder ProresKS LT - 6.5 fps - 611 MB - 60.38 dB

    Resolve Voucoder x264 10 bit 4:2:0 CRF 12 medium - 2.52 fps 210 MB - 59.22 dB

    Resolve Voucoder x264 10 bit 4:2:0 CRF 12 ultrafast - 2.7 fps 226 MB - 58.22 dB

    Handbrake x264 10 bit 4:2:0 CRF 12 medium - 13.15 fps 70 MB - 55.95 dB

    Handbrake x264 10 bit 4:2:0 CRF 12 ultrafast - 55.15 fps 130 MB - 55.15 dB

    So if you have any ideas on how to speed up h264 10 bit 4:2:0 exports in Resolve please let me know.

    Hello everyone. I updated Voucoder to latest version. I use it for Resolve. I found out that 10 bit footage exported in h264 and h265 has limited "TV gamma" like 16-235 levels. I tried both .mp4 and .mov containers, imported clips to different software to double check the gamma and confirm that the range is limited. But prores exports are good and have full gamma. 8 bit h264 and h265 are also good and contrasty with full gamma. There were no such issues in previous Voucoder version 11.x. Maybe I missed some parameters?

    And BTW what's the difference betwee Prores KS and Proes AW?