Voukoder isn't rendering using my GPU, It only renders when I use CPU, It happened when I reset my pc.
And It identifies my GPU as well. It's stuck on this ss.
Voukoder isn't rendering using my gpu
- Not a bug
sokb -
January 24, 2022 at 11:55 PM
January 25, 2022 at 7:24 AM Approved the thread. -
Strange. It clearly sees your GPU. I did it with the exact same settings on my 1050 and it worked.
In case media is an issue (Vegas is failing to send frames to Voukoder), could you try with just generated media or a picture or a benchmark project?
- Official Post
Can you provide a voukoder logfile?
February 22, 2022 at 8:15 PM Added the label In Progress -
Try update GPU driver (clean install, recommend using nvcleaninstall.exe).
Try disable Resizible BAR if you have it enabled
Try use OBS (the only software I know has NVENC option) and see if that could get GPU encoding up and running
Note: GTX 1650 super uses TU116 chip and should be running Turing NVENC engine, maybe encoding was confused with some GTX 1650 with Volta NVENC engine, I'm not very sure about this
August 19, 2022 at 11:24 AM Set the label from In Progress to Not a bug