Posts by iAvoe

    Try with a different multiplexing format like MP4 or MKV. I've looked into a bunch of similar issues but they don't seem to be exact like yours. Content below are my researches:

    It at first looked like the multiplexer within ffmpeg is rounding, but the offset timing does not match (time code shows 1 millisecond offset, but 25fps is 40ms per frame like START TC 14:14:23:54).

    With the high amount of occurence in multiple projects, I assumed every project's timecode offsets the same, this could be the MOV multiplexer received a bad timecode input from ffmpeg (but this bug has been solved, according to the last post)

    Assuming every project's timecode offsets differently, this could be caused by a segmented source input, but DaVinci itself doesn't have this issue, which debunks that.

    There is a post in the bottom of discussion actually replicated this issue, one reply says specify -r <fps> into ffmpeg may fix this, but there are no more followups.

    The log file shows you are encoding at YUV4:2:0 with h264, though.

    You came in with a misinformed wall of text touting every high-powered card you'd ever heard of.

    Thank you for taking time to point out my errors. Again I'm not a Vegas user. I use After Effects & Premiere rendering at 2560x1440, they benefits from large VRAM, quanitiy of CUDA cores and on-die caches, with a $200 amount of budget, the 2nd hand Tesla P40 & RTX 3060 12GB falls into the OP's requirement by their computing power & larger VRAM size initially.

    Vegas is notorious for not benefiting from hot graphics card hardware. Which you'd know if you had any experience with it.

    I did some research after replying to you, now I understood that your recommendation of 2060S is solely for the NVENC module & VRAM bandwidth rather than it's computing capability. You may be right on OP's target workload is light rather than heavy.

    a Quadro, when the guy asked about $200 cards?

    The reason that I recommended Quadro cards was because they were proven to be more stable than GeForce for rendering. However since Vegas invested more on OpenCL, an AMD card is more likely to be helpful.

    He's looking for hardware encoding and some light effects, by the sounds of it.

    I still don't agree with you on this phrase, as we do not know what OP is looking for at first place, to me he/she is looking for a rendering boost, which natually requries a powerful card, no matter what budget the OP has.

    BTW, if you pay attention, you'll see that I didn't actually recommended any cards at first place. I firstly recommended to get a faster CPU at my 1st reply.

    I didn't come here to waste time arguing with somebody who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about.

    I apologies for not being professional, however I did not provide a bad answer compared to yours. You really should point my fault out rather than straight up gate keeping because you know Vegas better than me. I feel my time has been wasted too seeing you gluing humilation with little context.

    You are actually recommending 40-series cards, which are NOT older than mine recommendation.

    To actually accelerate video editing software, you'll need at least 8GB of video memory and a quite powerful GPU for small editing & effects, which means with 200USD, the 2 options you have are:

    - used Tesla P40 24GB that is flooding on ebay (Pascal architecture, or GTX 1080), it has lots of video memory but does't come with a fan

    - used RTX 3060 12GB that was originally designed for mining market

    These 2 options are both pretty bad, I'd say increase the budget for:

    - used RTX 3070 ti 8GB (memory is a bottleneck, but still decent for smaller projects since the GPU core is significantly more powerful)

    - used RTX A4000 16GB (same core as the RTX 3070 ti but way bigger memory), sometimes you can find a very good deal on ebay/aliexpress

    i7 8700's iGPU supports Intel QSV. Make sure you install the Intel Graphics driver to enable it.

    For GPU accelerated codec, you can look for Quadro RTX A4000, Quadro RTX A5000, Geforce RTX 3000, Geforce RTX 4000 series for an acceptable video export quality

    Or you can just go for a faster CPU like Ryzen 7950X or i9 13900K and use proper video encoders (x264/x265)

    RTX 4090 support NVENC AV1, NVENC AVC & NVENC HEVC codec; i9 13900K supports SVT-AV1, SVT-HEVC, SVT-AVC codec. Generally are the worse quality & proprietary versions of their counter parts, AV1 codec is an exeception since the software encoder is still unreliable.

    Compatibility issues could come from an older video editing software, GPU/iGPU drivers, outdated video encoder at this point.

    Sure, but that's not the problem. There's no existing timeline that needs to be changed. If I want it to process the video at X fps then I can just create a timeline with X fps. But I want to have it process the timeline at Y fps and then output it at X fps. So the timeline needs to be at Y fps, not X fps. It's just the end result that needs to be resampled to X fps. In the tutorial you linked to the video will still be processed at whatever framerate your output is.

    Yeah, that's what I'm saying. At the exporting stage, you save a current copy, and use "Save As" to create a different project branch, change the timeline framerate and save again, you will get 2 project files with 2 different timeline framerates. Hopefully that this works for you :)

    You are right about the companies side, then, it is still possible for Steam to be one of platforms available.

    According to this tutorial, you can change the project framerate.

    What you needed to do is just to clone a project file, and change timeline framerate on that project file instead.

    I have never used DaVinci, but this should work when you are not making any further changes upon exporting stage.

    I just use QAAC's cvbr mode for best compression and quality possible among 99.9% of audio encoders:

    qaac64.exe --cvbr 320 -b 16 -r 44100 --threading -o "output.aac" "input.wav"

    Sometimes I have to lower the cbvr bitrate (e.g., --cvbr 256 for 256Kbps) to make the export compatible with some audio sharing platforms.

    HE-AAC does offer more compression, in QAAC it allows a maximum of 80Kbps, which butchers the audio quailty, though

    Here is a PowerShell based encoding script I've created recently. The multiplexing (mux) script looks like this Image

    It has to support video stream, audio stream, subtitle stream and font stream. Then do compatibility checks to determine the output format should be .mov, .mkv, or .mp4, and this is how people would expect how a "pro" software behaves. Voukoder will sooner or later run into this kind of problem.

    You need video filters or we can't change the resolution or framerate from what the project is

    Premiere, After FX, Davinci-resolve are video editors, which means, you just Google "how to change project framerate in Premiere/After FX/Davinci-resolve".

    For "Voukoder's exclusive filters", they are not as advanced as After FX, nor dedicated to fix horridenous Anime BluRays as VapourSynth filters, and not academic purposed as OpenCV.

    The other reason to cut off the filtering is for the sake of focusing software development to encoders and connectors.

    One more reason to cut off the filtering is for performance and multiplatform compatibility, because you don't expect these filters will be updated to work properly on newer CPUs.