• Hi, dear Voukoder developers.

    So, I have a question to you.

    I installed the latest Voukoder, Premiere, Connector, Nvidia Drivers and etc. But when I export a video, yes it is very fast, but why Vokouder just use 20% of each videocard? =) Why not 100%?

    Thank you and have a great day

    Best regards,

  • Video encoding with NVENC doesn't make use of SLI. It just uses one GPU. That's not a limitation by voukoder, its how NVIDIA designed it.

    Furthermore frames need to be rendered first before they can be encoded. This step is done by premiere and can not be accelerated by any voukoder component. You might attach your logfile here.

    You'll also find more details here: Voukoder Performance Analysis

    (I should really do a youtube video about this)

  • Video encoding with NVENC doesn't make use of SLI. It just uses one GPU. That's not a limitation by voukoder, its how NVIDIA designed it.

    Furthermore frames need to be rendered first before they can be encoded. This step is done by premiere and can not be accelerated by any voukoder component. You might attach your logfile here.

    You'll also find more details here: Voukoder Performance Analysis

    (I should really do a youtube video about this)

    Where I can find this log? =) In console? CTRL+F12?

    Edited once, last by artofcharly (September 8, 2020 at 3:46 PM).

  • So, I installed the latest RC version =) And this is my log files. I tested on 3 min video with settings which I show in the video.

    As you can see - 3 minute video exported 10 mins... Earlier this duration exported 2-3 times faster =) And in the video you will see, that my GPU was used 3-5%.. Why? How to fix this?

    Video -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoskYHAzKEs

    Thank you and have a great day.

    Best regards,

  • As you can see in the logfile, the vEncoding, aEncoding and vProcess times are fine (this is what Voukoder is processing). But there are very high spikes at vRender times, that's what Adobe needs to send the frame to Voukoder.

    [17:12:20] Frame #10803: vRender: 1184617 us, vProcess: 10 us, vEncoding: 3693 us, aRender: 370 us, aEncoding: 9 us, Latency: 1188759 us

    In this case Adobe needs 1,18 seconds to send the frame to Voukoder. This could be caused by effects, color corrections or other applied things in Premiere.

  • Hi, dear developers.

    So, I reinstalled my Nvidia Studio Drivers from scratch =)

    And done a few tests with SLI and SLI disabled. (2 minutes video)

    This is my logs.

    And yeah, I tried to check the GPU Perfomance in Task Manager and Adobe Premiere used 90% now..

    FPS with my settings:
    - SLI = 123 FPS
    - SLI OFF = 124 FPS

    With recommended:
    - SLI = 90 FPS
    - SLI OFF =92 FPS

    Please change the logs to understand if everything fine =)





    And another question, what the better ZscaleFilter? Which will give better UpScale result?

    Thank you and have a great day.

    Best regards,

  • Vouk September 9, 2020 at 8:09 AM

    Added the label Not a bug
  • Yes, clean install with DDU fixed the issue.

    Because earlier:

    1) I installed Game Ready drivers,

    2) Then new Nvidia stuido without DDU, just updated my GameReady in GeForce Experince Tool

    3) Made test - everything is bad, as you can see in the previous logs.
    4) Then I tried again to install the Game ready - FPS was low.
    5) Then reinstalled the drivers with DDU(made clean install) and now, as you can see - FPS is good.

    Btw, the Studio drivers really faster than Game Ready. They fixed many issues in them for Adobe Premiere encoding.

    And I mentioned another thing. FPS faster, when I used HEVC(NVIDIA NVENC) instead of H.264((NVIDIA NVENC)

    163 FPS with your settings. SLI ON =)

    Edited 2 times, last by artofcharly (September 9, 2020 at 8:35 AM).

  • Very strange, but in the recent project I had 35 fps =( GPU using 30%... The drivers the same.. But in this project I used a few audio filters. could it affect the speed?

    Video duration - 18 mins
    Here is a log file.


    I will try to install the latest Voukoder 6.2 and try to delete this filters. And let you know and will send another log.

    PS. In the previous 3 minute test - I used the same filters..

    Thank you and have a great day.
    Best regards,

    Edited once, last by artofcharly (September 11, 2020 at 9:30 AM).

  • I don't think it's the audio filters. To me it seems your system is sometimes too busy / stalling.

    [09:32:49] Frame #1277: vRender: 496 us, vProcess: 2 us, vEncoding: 7666 us, aRender: 162 us, aEncoding: 9 us, Latency: 8345 us
    [09:32:49] Frame #1278: vRender: 17 us, vProcess: 4 us, vEncoding: 8207 us, aRender: 161 us, aEncoding: 734 us, Latency: 9135 us
    [09:32:53] Frame #1279: vRender: 3814635 us, vProcess: 4 us, vEncoding: 683 us, aRender: 210 us, aEncoding: 1013 us, Latency: 3816571 us
    [09:32:53] Frame #1280: vRender: 10 us, vProcess: 3 us, vEncoding: 584 us, aRender: 188 us, aEncoding: 11 us, Latency: 807 us
    [09:32:53] Frame #1281: vRender: 1026 us, vProcess: 2 us, vEncoding: 5962 us, aRender: 148 us, aEncoding: 576 us, Latency: 7723 us
    [09:32:53] Frame #1282: vRender: 11 us, vProcess: 3 us, vEncoding: 7750 us, aRender: 147 us, aEncoding: 849 us, Latency: 8769 us
    [09:32:53] Frame #1283: vRender: 15 us, vProcess: 4 us, vEncoding: 7507 us, aRender: 190 us, aEncoding: 687 us, Latency: 8413 us

    Premiere caused a delay of almost 4s to render one single frame.

  • This is my Premiere Build.

    Tried to cut this project to 5 minutes, deleted all audio, text, sub-sequences and left only one layer with one video without cuts and etc.. and tested again on the latest Voukoder 6.2.

    FPS - 112
    GPU used - 70-100%

    So, what do you think, what's wrong with my main project? And how to fix bad FPS.

    Thank you and have a great day
    Best regards,

  • Well, this is not a voukoder bug or issue, but ... Ok. ;) I don't see any correlation between the spikes and the projects timeline. The project itself is rather simple and uses not many effects and special transitions. I guess it is either premiere or the system itself.

    I noticed you are using Bandicam for recording your screen to mp4 (NVENC). I did the same for game recording a loooong while ago (I love bandicam for screen recording). Did you ever try to record to AVI using the MagicYUV codec? It is designed to be mathematically lossless and extreme fast encoding and decoding. I loved working with that. Would be interesting to see if there is any difference. H264 was not designed to be an intermediate codec.

  • Well, this is not a voukoder bug or issue, but ... Ok. ;) I don't see any correlation between the spikes and the projects timeline. The project itself is rather simple and uses not many effects and special transitions. I guess it is either premiere or the system itself.

    I noticed you are using Bandicam for recording your screen to mp4 (NVENC). I did the same for game recording a loooong while ago (I love bandicam for screen recording). Did you ever try to record to AVI using the MagicYUV codec? It is designed to be mathematically lossless and extreme fast encoding and decoding. I loved working with that. Would be interesting to see if there is any difference. H264 was not designed to be an intermediate codec.

    So, as I understand, I should download MagicYUV codec, then selected "AVI" and it in External codecs? Right?

    Ok. I will try this, but firstly I should understand one thing. Which version I should buy =)

    And what problems did you mean in my system or Premiere? How to check them? =)

    Thank you and have a great day
    Best regards,