Redesign the User Interface

  • Digeridoo Great. Thanks for the sketches. Basically this is what I had in my mind already, yes.

    1. The selection of the "Format" depends on the selection done in "Video" and "Audio". I am still trying to find out if there is a more clever way of displaying this workflow / dependency.

    2. I like your idea of separating the encoding option groups in tabs. This is what I meant with "2nd level navigation". But there would still be some scrolling. Although - It would be less scrolling than it currently is. But i guess we can't get araound it with like 200 options for i.e x265.

    3. Advanced - Yes, maybe not at this position but I want to have it in this view somewhere. Maybe below the options preview? I also think about not only to remove the advanced tabs in simple mode, but showing a custom simple tab instead. i.e. just showing a "Quality" slider for x264 that matches to the crf param. But thats just a detail.

    4. 3D & Filters - It would be possible to put these tabs here. BUT - It could be confusing as these are not encoder options, plus they are encoder independend. They will not be affected when the encoder gets changed and they won't get cleared or resetted when the encoder options does.

    Both "3D/Spherical" and "Filters" will be not used by the majority of the users. So I still think it could be reasonable to add buttons that open a new dialog. Not sure about it though.

    5. Presets - We need to put a list / dropdown of encoder presets somewhere (i.e. "YouTube", "Archive", "Lossless", "Draft" or something). But this can be thought through later.

  • 1. The selection of the "Format" depends on the selection done in "Video" and "Audio". I am still trying to find out if there is a more clever way of displaying this workflow / dependency.

    Return to General icon :)

    4. 3D & Filters - It would be possible to put these tabs here. BUT - It could be confusing as these are not encoder options, plus they are encoder independend. They will not be affected when the encoder gets changed and they won't get cleared or resetted when the encoder options does.

    Both "3D/Spherical" and "Filters" will be not used by the majority of the users. So I still think it could be reasonable to add buttons that open a new dialog. Not sure about it though.

    Video icon on sidebar is not about encoder, it is about video stream in general. 3D/Spherical (3DS) can be encoder independent, but it refers to video stream. The same thing with filters. However you can place separate 3DS and Filters icons to sidebar. But video and audio filters should be separated, examples:

    - two tabs Video and Audio

    - two grids on same screen (maybe best variant)

    - one grid but with additional column type: audio/video

    Aditionally about window size. Seems you are designed it for compatibility with HD (720p) screens. I am not sure if somebody use Adobe products with such low screen resolution. Maybe it make sense to rise requirements higher up to FHD (1080p) screens and it will allow to increase default size of main window.

    Edited once, last by Digeridoo (July 29, 2019 at 10:39 PM).

  • Aditionally about window size. Seems you are designed it for compatibility with HD (720p) screens. I am not sure if somebody use Adobe products with such low screen resolution. Maybe it make sense to rise requirements higher up to FHD (1080p) screens and it will allow to increase default size of main window

    A better way would be to calculate the window size depending to the current monitor resolution. Something like 30% of the current resolution could be used and fits for everyone.

  • 1. Yes, I renamed it to "Output". I guess its better than "General"

    It is also a good place for the "Voukoder presets", I like that.

    2. Yes, we agree on that point.

    These settings depend on the selected encoder.

    These settings do not depend on the selected encoder.

    I'd rather not mix both types together in the same tab control. Maybe we can separate both types a bit visually somehow.

  • If you want, you can separate it visually: by tabs colors or alignment (encoder on the left, others on the right with the gap in the middle) for example. Maybe somehow another way. However, I do not think that it must be. It may, but not must/have to. Also it can increase complexity of UI, depends on implementation. For me as a user do not matter if some options are encoder dependent or independent. For me is more important that all things on the right (logical) place and I can quick navigate to needed options/section or overview options without scroll. And I am not ffmpeg user. Maybe separating options is more important for ffmpeg users? Or you have some other reason? Could it be done by another way?

    Additionally, I just found out that most encoders have significantly less encoding options then x264/265. Show only 1-2 option(s) on a separate tab could be a little bit strange. it also should be sorted out somehow.

    Edited once, last by Digeridoo (August 6, 2019 at 2:40 PM).

  • It would be nice if Voukoder can update itself and you don't have to download copy the .prm file in the plugins folder.

    Moving the logging view there is a good idea in my eyes. I would like to have something like: Rightclick on the Icon->Export Logfile to textfile.