Failed Writing video frame - Première Pro 2019
- Official Post
Can you please post the voukoder logfile with low level debug enabled in the settings?
April 8, 2020 at 11:19 AM Added the label In Progress -
The Attachment tab doesn't allow me to post the log file.
Here is a WeTransfer link :
Thanks !
- Official Post
You can try to ZIP the logfile, but I guess I found the reason:
Quote[10:35:52] FFmpeg: VCEEncoderTrace: 2020-04-15 10:35:52.964 41B0 [VCEEncoderTrace] Info: SetProperty(-1) FrameSize:4096,1708
[10:35:52] FFmpeg: VCEEncoderTrace: 2020-04-15 10:35:52.964 41B0 [VCEEncoderTrace] Warning: SetProperty FrameSize failed in AMFPropertyStorageExImpl with return code:0x5
Seems the AMD VCE encoder can't handle that frame size.
Here is an other try with 1920x800 frame size, and it doesn't work.
Maybe my graphic card don't allow video encoding ?
- Official Post
Here is an other try with 1920x800 frame size, and it doesn't work.
Quote[10:48:50] Frame size: 1920x801
Maybe you can try with exactly 1920x1080?
Vielleicht kannst du es mit genau 1920x1080 versuchen?
Or 1920x810 21: 9 goes with me on amf with an rx570
Yes both 1920x810 and 1920x1080 work fine and fast!
I think it's the maximum size I can make with AMD AMF.
Thanks for the links, it was helpfull!
So when I export in higher quality than 1920x1080 i will use the simple H.264 and not H.264 (AMD AMF).
Thanks for your help and thanks for your wonderfull plugin!
And i tried with 1920x800, but with the link button disable, and it works too!
- Official Post
As far as i remember the width has always to be a multiple of 16 and the height a multiple of 8. So with an uneven number it will most likely never work.
April 20, 2020 at 4:33 PM Set the label from In Progress to Not a bug -
April 20, 2020 at 4:33 PM Removed the label 4 -
April 20, 2020 at 4:33 PM Removed the label Adobe Premiere / MediaEncoder -
February 22, 2022 at 9:12 PM Moved the thread from forum Bug reports to forum Closed.