Voukoder VirtualDub und VirtualDub2 bugs
- Official Post
Sehe ich das richtig das direkt nach dem Öffnen des Quellfiles VirtualDub2 schon falsche Farben anzeigt?
Sehe ich das richtig das direkt nach dem Öffnen des Quellfiles VirtualDub2 schon falsche Farben anzeigt?
Nein erst nach dem rander stimmen die Farben nicht mehr
- Official Post
Hast du mir mal ein MediaInfo von dem Quellvideo?
Codec ist magicyuv 2.2.0 yuv 4:4:4
Display MoreAllgemein Vollständiger Name : H:\MSI AFTERBURNER REC\vou test vd\hl1.avi Format : AVI Format/Info : Audio Video Interleave Format-Profil : OpenDML Dateigröße : 2,28 GiB Dauer : 1 min 18s Gesamte Bitrate : 248 Mb/s Video ID : 0 Format : M8Y4 Codec-ID : M8Y4 Dauer : 1 min 18s Bitrate : 236 Mb/s Breite : 640 Pixel Höhe : 480 Pixel Bildseitenverhältnis : 4:3 Bildwiederholungsrate : 120,000 FPS Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 6.395 Stream-Größe : 2,17 GiB (95%) Audio #1 ID : 1 Format : PCM Format-Einstellungen : Little / Signed Codec-ID : 1 Dauer : 1 min 18s Bitraten-Modus : konstant Bitrate : 6 144 kb/s Kanäle : 2 Kanäle Samplingrate : 192 kHz BitDepth/String : 16 bits Stream-Größe : 57,2 MiB (2%) Ausrichtung : Ausgerichtet an Interleaves Interleave, Dauer : 8 ms (1,01 Video-Frame) Audio #2 ID : 2 Format : PCM Format-Einstellungen : Little / Signed Codec-ID : 1 Dauer : 1 min 18s Bitraten-Modus : konstant Bitrate : 6 144 kb/s Kanäle : 2 Kanäle Samplingrate : 192 kHz BitDepth/String : 16 bits Stream-Größe : 57,2 MiB (2%) Ausrichtung : Ausgerichtet an Interleaves Interleave, Dauer : 8 ms (1,01 Video-Frame)
hier noch das avs script
Display More### SagaraS Scriptmaker - Version 6.1 ### ### Lade Plugins und setze die globalen Variablen ### Global breite = 2400 Global hoehe = 1800 Global AR = 0 ### Lade Videoquellen ### AVIload("H:\MSI AFTERBURNER REC\vou test vd\hl1.avi", 0, 0, 0, -0, -0, "Auto", "Auto", 0, 0) ### Filter Verarbeitungszone ### ### Funktion für Video-Laderoutine ### Function AVIload (String file, int loading, int cl, int co, int cr, int cu, string pixtype, string afps, int fpsn, int fpsd) { pixtype2 = (pixtype == "YUY2") ? "YUY2" : (pixtype == "RGB24") ? "RGB24" : (pixtype == "Y8") ? "Y8" : (pixtype == "YV12") ? "YUV420P8" : (pixtype == "YV24") ? "YUV444P8" : pixtype (loading == 1) ? FFIndex(file) : nop() clip0 = (loading == 3) ? (pixtype == "Auto") ? LWLibavVideoSource(file) : LWLibavVideoSource(file, format = pixtype2) : (loading == 2) ? Import(file).KillAudio() : (loading == 1) ? (pixtype == "Auto") ? FFVideoSource(file, threads=1) : FFVideoSource(file, threads=1, colorspace=pixtype) : (pixtype == "Auto") ? AVISource(file, false).KillAudio() : AVISource(file, false, pixel_type=pixtype).KillAudio() clip1 = clip0.AutoFPS(afps, fpsn, fpsd).Cropping(cl, co, cr, cu) Return (clip1.width == breite && clip1.height == hoehe) ? clip1.ConvertToYV24(matrix = "PC.709") : Clip1.Resize() } Function AutoFPS (Clip clip0, string afps, int fpsn, int fpsd) { rate1 = (afps == "Auto") ? (Round(Float(clip0.framerate * 1000)) / 1000) / 2 : nop() rate2 = (afps == "Auto") ? Round(clip0.framerate) / 2 : nop() rate = (afps == "Auto") ? (rate1 == rate2) ? 1 : 1001 : (afps == "Igno.") ? clip0.frameratedenominator : fpsd ratefaktor = (afps == "Auto") ? (rate == 1001) ? 1000 : 1 : nop() clip0 = (afps == "Auto") ? (rate == 1001) ? clip0.AssumeFPS(Round(clip0.Framerate) * 1000, rate) : clip0.AssumeFPS(round(clip0.framerate), rate) : (afps == "Igno.") ? clip0.AssumeFPS(clip0.frameratenumerator, rate) : clip0.AssumeFPS(fpsn, rate) Return clip0 } Function Cropping (Clip clip0, int cl, int co, int cr, int cu) { clip0 = (clip0.IsRGB32() == True) ? clip0.ConvertToRGB24() : clip0 Return (cl != 0 || co != 0 || cr != 0 || cu != 0) ? clip0.Crop(cl, co, cr, cu) : clip0 } Function Resize (Clip clip1) { clip1 = (AR == 1) ? ((float(Clip1.height * breite) / clip1.width) / 2 == round((float(Clip1.height * breite) / clip1.width) / 2)) ? ((float(Clip1.width * hoehe) / clip1.height) / 2 == round((float(Clip1.width * hoehe) / clip1.height) / 2)) ? clip1 : clip1.ConvertToRGB24() : clip1.ConvertToRGB24() : clip1 clip1 = (AR == 1) ? (((clip1.width * hoehe) / clip1.height > breite) ? Clip1.PointResize(breite, ceil(float(Clip1.height * breite) / clip1.width)) : Clip1.PointResize(ceil(float(clip1.width * hoehe) / clip1.height), hoehe)) : clip1.PointResize(breite, hoehe).ConvertToYV24(matrix = "PC.709") back = (AR == 1) ? (0 == 1) ? ImageReader("", 0, clip1.framecount - 1, clip1.framerate).ChangeFPS(clip1.frameratenumerator, clip1.frameratedenominator).PointResize(breite, hoehe).ConvertToYV24(matrix = "PC.709") : BlankClip(clip1, width = breite, height = hoehe, pixel_type = "YV24").KillAudio() : clip1 Return (AR == 1) ? Overlay(back, clip1, (back.width - clip1.width) / 2, (back.height - clip1.height) / 2).ConvertToYV24(matrix = "PC.709") : clip1 }
- Official Post
Bei normalem mp4/h264 ist alles i.O.?
[19:04:10] Opening codec: hevc_nvenc with options: gpu=0|preset=bd|qp=18|rc=constqp|tier=high
[19:04:10] Failed opening codec: hevc_nvenc
[19:04:10] Unable to open video encoder: hevc_nvenc
[19:04:10] Closing encoders ...
[19:04:10] Opening encoder failed! Aborting ...
[19:04:10] 00000000F3CC6010
Bei normalem mp4/h264 ist alles i.O.?
ne ist genauso
- Official Post
Das sollte mit VirtualDub2-x64-2020-01-26_00.zip jetzt behoben sein.
January 27, 2020 at 8:00 AM Added the label Fixed -
January 27, 2020 at 8:00 AM Set the label from Independent to VirtualDub2 -
February 22, 2022 at 8:59 PM Moved the thread from forum Bug reports to forum Closed.