Vegas output page doesn't have voukoder option

  • I've installed all conponents. Voukoder works fine in premiere and ae,but not in vegas. I've tried vegas and, uninstalling and installing again and again.

    Inside vegas folder, there's Voukoder-x64.fio2007-config and \FileIO Plug-Ins\voukoderplug\voukoderplug.dll confirmed. And I could find voukoder from vegas' about page. It's weird..

    Windows 10 1909 64bit. Ryzen 3700x + 1660super.

  • I had right the same problem today on one system with Movie Studio 16 P. With connector 0.70 no way, but 0.61 made voukoder visible in the render target list. It did not render though, but this seems to be a Movie Studio specific issue as Vegas Pro ist working.

    Maybe you should give 0.61 a try?


  • I noticed that for Movie Studio with connector 0.70 Voukoder only shows up in the list if there is a valid preset stored under "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\VEGAS\Render Templates\voukoder\" already. No preset, no voukoder.


  • Problem solved!!!!!!!!

    A very important thing that must tell all the vegas-voukoder users:

    DO NOT USE CTRL+M to call out Render Page!!!

    DO NOT USE CTRL+M to call out Render Page!!!

    DO NOT USE CTRL+M to call out Render Page!!!

    Hi Vouk, pls put this somewhere related to voukoder or vegas-connector