[17:29:06] ---------------------------------------------
[17:29:06] Export started
[17:29:06] ---------------------------------------------
[17:29:06] Filename: C:\Users\pc\Desktop\main.mp4
[17:29:06] Application: Voukoder (Adobe Premiere)
[17:29:06] - Video -------------------------------------
[17:29:06] Frame size: 1920x1080
[17:29:06] Pixel aspect: 1:1
[17:29:06] Timebase: 1/30 (30.00 fps)
[17:29:06] Interlaced: No
[17:29:06] Encoder: libx265
[17:29:06] Options: _pixelFormat=yuv420p crf=18.000 preset=medium tune=ssim x265-params=bframes=4
[17:29:06] Side data:
[17:29:06] Filters: filter.colorspace#primaries=bt709|range=pc|space=bt709|trc=bt709
[17:29:06] Passes: 1
[17:29:06] Color range: pc
[17:29:06] Color space: bt709
[17:29:06] Color primaries: bt709
[17:29:06] Color transfer: bt709
[17:29:06] - Audio -------------------------------------
[17:29:06] Timebase: 1/44100
[17:29:06] Channels: 2
[17:29:06] Encoder: libopus
[17:29:06] Options: _sampleFormat=s16 b=256000 vbr=constrained
[17:29:06] Side data:
[17:29:06] Filters:
[17:29:06] ---------------------------------------------
[17:29:06] Opening codec: libx265 with options: crf=18.000|preset=medium|tune=ssim|x265-params=bframes=4
[17:29:06] Opening codec: libopus with options: b=256000|vbr=constrained
[17:29:06] Failed opening codec: libopus
[17:29:06] Unable to open audio encoder: libopus
[17:29:06] Closing encoders ...
[17:29:06] Opening encoder failed! Aborting ...
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Voukoder failed when exporting the video, and I found it in the log that it failed opening the encoder 'libopus'.