Voucoder distorts color after render mp4 in Ae. I tried different setting, dif versions of Ae - nothing changes. But render in Premier runs normally.
Faded colors after render
June 18, 2022 at 11:00 PM Approved the thread. -
Set Bit depth to YUV 4:4:4 8 or 10-bit in options
Set Bit depth to YUV 4:4:4 8 or 10-bit in options
Thx, it helped, but still colors not so saturated as origin or with vouk + premier render.
I tried .264 (4.4.4 8/10)
.264 (Nvenc (8))
.265 (8/10/12)
.265 (Nvenc 8/10)
10/12 - progress
8 - no changes -
- Official Post
AE works in RGB mode and not (like all other supported apps) in YUV mode.
To make it work with all encoders we need to convert from RGB to YUV first.
Maybe it's also a color range (Full/Limited) issue. Can you provide steps on how to reproduce this issue?
AE works in RGB mode and not (like all other supported apps) in YUV mode.
To make it work with all encoders we need to convert from RGB to YUV first.
Maybe it's also a color range (Full/Limited) issue. Can you provide steps on how to reproduce this issue?
I would like to describe these "steps," if there were any of them.
I just install voukoder, connector for ae (2022) (as i said before - ver. of ae chages nothing)), and in ae render setting chose voukoder.
And that's all.
You can see that the hair just merges with the background. -
- Official Post
First: It is not a color range issue as the luminance channel is not affected, so it's the rgb -> yuv conversion happening inside FFmpeg.
A workaround that might help: Avoid the AfterEffects renderer and use MediaEncoder to export your comp.
btw: A color conversion from RGB > YUV (> RGB) is always lossy as the YUV color space is smaller than the RGB color space. So this is not only a Voukoder issue. It is also happening if you export with AfterEffects internal ProRes 4444 encoder.
June 25, 2022 at 1:20 PM Added the label Not fixable -
August 10, 2022 at 9:20 AM Moved the thread from forum Bug reports to forum Closed bugs.