If you are using the same old Voukoder presets, that could be the problem.
Posts by Steve Rhoden (Hentys)
Glad that you are expanding....... Personally, Mac is something i don't see myself ever using.
Thank You Daniel !
Thanks Daniel... Will there also be a Vegas Pro 22 update for the original Voukoder classic?
Many like me still find that old classic version tremendously versatile.
Yes, Vegas Effects is discontinued, so it would be futile to make a connector for it....
All the best for 2024 to you also Vouk....
Thanks again for the update Vouke......
Around 22 Years for me Grazie, its amazing how far Vegas Pro has come, especially as to what's now available in version 21. Used all other major NLE's over the years, but Vegas just simply works best for me. Voukoder is simply incredible and super fast and one of the best addons to an NLE/Compositor right now....... Overtime, i hope with the new Voukoder Pro, far more advanced rendering features and formats can gradually be added.
Working von VEGAS Pro support right now!
Wonderful, Can't wait.... Thanks again for putting so much dedication in this tool that so many of us truly rely on!
Joe24 Yes, i am an expert.....And stop Trolling, constantly looking for an argument and a fight by jumping into other user's posts that does not concern you..... Move on and mind your own business from here on out !
What does my response to someone else have to do with you Joe24 ?
I was not talking to you!
I was addressing Jorge Luis on using old software, which of course will ultimately lead to errors and limitations when used in conjunction with newer technology and modern coding.
Great to here that Voukoder was able to save your work.... But what you should have initially done was to use an NLE to complete a project such as this!