Posts by Vergille

    I have to admit HDR is tricky with voukoder. Currently it is only working with workarounds (i.e. morphinapg s guide for Adobe Premiere: HDR Encoding Guide for Premiere Pro) Some NLEs don't even deliver all needed information to handle HDR and almost all NLE APIs are undocumented (like DVR). I will try to improve it (maybe in voukoders successor app that i'am working on), but this also depends on the NLEs API which has to be prepared for HDR.

    I might also talk to the GPU vendors to check in what way HDR is supported by the encoders (or not).

    The NVENC AV1s dual encoder gets activated by using the "Faster" or "Fastest" preset.

    Thanks for the answer!

    Does the preset "faster" and "fastest" worsen the quality?

    And probably do you know how to set up HDR using Davinci Resolve settings for AV1? Would really appreciate.


    Sorry for my english but I have a problem with export of AV1 HDR content with or without your plugin. I have both Davinci Resolve and Adobe Premier. Mostly i use Davinci and i tried your plugin to export an edited HDR video with the new codec AV1 but whatever i chose - the end result is in SDR with clipped brightness. I tried 8 and 10 bit, default setting and not - no luck. In Adobe Premier the same thing with the plugin. The video is recorded in OBS with AV1 in HDR and it works perfectly. Can you help me with a tutorial or correct settings how to set the plugin correctly to export videos in AV1 HDR? And how to utilise dual encoders of my RTX 4090? I can't see an option to enable them both to work simulteniously to speed up the process.

    BTW - by using Davinci only which have implemented Nvidia AV1 support i can't export my video in HDR neither. It's not recognised HDR in the MediaInfo, and the indication that it is in 10 bit dissapears after exporting - maybe someone can help me with setting up Davinci Resolve for it too?

    I record mostly gameplay by using OBS or capture card. Would realy appreciate any help cause i wasted 5 days in finding a solution, but no luck(((.