I use Vouk with Authoring Works all the time. I use PPro. Are working in SD (DVD) or HD (BluRay)?
Posts by avwtp
I have two computers here at home on which I do video editing, would I need to buy two VPro licenses, one for each?
I just finished a project with x264 encoding and YES the 1st frame issue is here too. Just to sure it's not something I did, I did a quick encode with the x264 default "4:2:0 General Purpose 8-bit.." and it's there too. Therefore I assume Daniel can reproduce it ... and it really is an FFMpeg problem.
Yes SmartRender does it's annoying correction to all FFMpeg/NVENC generated files. BUT the real issue is that FFMpeg is starting the encode sequence with that bogus/duplicate frame, which is wrong. It's an FFMpeg bug which makes it a problem for us using Vouk.
LOL, yep x264 lets you do "fake interlace" and TMPGEnc Authoring works does a wink/nod with 1080p. I author a lot of BluRay every year and used to do DVD. Each disk authoring package has their quirks on what they allow at or around the standard.
I may eventually bite the bullet and include UHD in my work flow but don't want to burn the $$.
Hah! TMPGEnc Smart Render DOES accept and process the fields, it's just that the 1st x frames gets re-rendered. Video Authoring Works accepts it, no idea what it actually does recoding wise in building the disk. Here is how I actually realized something was wrong.
1) create BluRay complaint 1080p stream, with "1 sec" GOP (30 frame) for std 29.97 video.
2) bring up SmartRender, add the clip, then in the "Format" panel click "Start Analysis". Notice it wants to render the first 2 sec. Now output the file and it creates a 61 frame GOP out of the original 3 GOPs (1, 30, 30).
3) This re-rendered file is now not BluRay compliant.
(don't ask or go there regarding WHY SmartRender does what it does, it bitches and showed up the error).
So unless you're going down this path you wouldn't have noticed the issue. BUT if you bring up a Vouk or FFMpeg NVENC clip in SmartRender, enable "show frame status", you'll see the solitary I frame followed by the regular GOPs ... and a blank audio frame.
A bit more info on this. It is NVENC only and also can be produced directly using FFMEG so I guess the problem is with them. That 1st frame also has no audio. No idea if Vouk can "get around the problem" by just not writing the 1st frame
And the Pro version is gonna be distributed under Commercial or GPL?
Yes, both x264 and NVENC work with output and libffk. Ship it!
It's taken me a while to figure out and get clarity on this and the issue has been in Vouk "forever". Only Pegasys TMPGEnc Smart Render actually complains but since I use this tool all the time for render-less quick edits of an encoded stream, it's a problem.
TMPGEnc has a "smart render" feature, i.e. if the tool sees edits on i-frame boundaries, it does a lossless edit. BUT for H.264 video produced by Premiere plug (NVENC or ffmpeg/x264), where the first video frame is used, it always does a re-render. The issue appears to be that the framing sequence is "I-I- ... and then regular B and P". If that first frame is removed, all works fine. I don't understand why it always seems to want to start with I-I, but other tools don't do that - std IBBP ... etc. The response from Pegasys as to why it reencodes is:
"The reason of smart rendering of your source file "Sequence 1080p 29.97.mp4"
is time stamp information. Your file should have to start from Frame
no.1 not 0. The first frame is added and it is a copy of the first frame
of the video. If you cut the first frame in Cut edit screen, the file
won't be re-encoded. You can check again in the Smart rendering analyzer."Be great if this could be fixed/changed.
Any guess on when a 13.x will be available with working audio sync AND libfdk? I just went through 2 hrs of hell with Vouk low level crash debugging before realizing my preset was specifying fdk vs default ffmpeg aac. All my presets are like this.
ouch on no x264/5 encoder, it's main reason I use Classic (beside quickie NVENC). License means $ out I guess, but you don't want to add in activation fee interface and such to Pro version, as you noted above.
Sorry if this was answered elsewhere, but Classic has x264/5 as part of ffmeg ... and Pro also appears to include ffmpeg - but not this component?
Been off the grid for the last few months, now back to edit the video I shot while gone and appear to be hitting this "no play issue". I'm using Windows PPro 2020 - 2023 and all fail to play with versions 13.1->13.2beta. Works fine with 13.0. Yes, it appears to be a mux issue as "playing the video" seems to start not at the beginning and/or ends somewhere in the middle. All fails (shows parts of video) when trying to play thru my set top DVD player or via LG smartTV and Win10 Mediaserver. I followed ideas and suggestions above and
* MKV versions do play
* Remux MKV -> mp4 does play
* unfortunately I can't figure out a way for Vouk to generate an mp4 with PCM audio directly.
I can upload logs and videos if needed.
Too Old? For those of use that still need to create DVDs, MPEG2 is the only option.
My suggestion to ACIK is that assuming the source is in Premiere, use Debug Framesever -> TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works. Create a template in VMW for the DVD style you need. It's how I've been doing it for years at the quality is way better than stock Adobe. It's not fast but it will work.
The CCFS CuminCode FrameServer schmuck is happy to charge for his crap programming skills and lousy work ethic. Voukoder works several times faster, and is so much easier to use. Voukoder has no equal that I'm aware of. And believe me, I've looked! Especially if multiple streams and filters will soon be supported . . . Your program is vastly better and worth AT LEAST what he's charging ($15). Possibly 2-3+ times as much.
Keeping in mind that most of us paid for the NLE suites that we use Voukoder on.
One thing I would add is that a trial period of 1 week is NOT long enough. That's what CCFS is currently doing, and it did not make me happy. I've got other things in my life that need attention too, and I can't take a week off just to learn a new program. In my experience as a consumer, 1 month is a comfortable time period to figure out if a program will actually do what you need. I needed a couple solid weeks of working with TMPGEnc before deciding to buy it.
P.S., I decided not to buy CCFS. Total garbage.
First off, I too have donated at least twice for Voukoder - early on in it's infancy and then again on a stable version release. I will donate again once the new follow-on is released. I absolutely chafe at the "rent a code" model like Abode CC but as a retired S/W engineer I understand it's a better way to get consistent revenue. I'm from the days when sw was bought outright and then used with updates until a new version was available and deemed enhanced enough to buy again.
I appreciate what Vouk is doing and the situation he's in.
Regarding CCFS, I've been using the older FREE version https://www.debugmode.com/frameserver/ for years. At least that 3.1 version has been stable with no complaints. It's slower in fps than using Voukoder directly but sometimes it's the only path that works ... mainly back in the day with Voukoder had problems and I had to get video out of Premiere. I too use frameserver to pipe output to TMPGEnc.
I don't understand. Just switch over to the Options tab, ignore the Presets, and select as indicated. If BluRay option isn't set in options, won't work. Only way that "Slice" gets set correctly for NVENC.
I've always used TMPGEnc Video Mastering Works and the old Carbon Coder ... but then I fold that output back into the old Adobe Encore for creating the DVD. To use Encore efficiently I have to merge back into the MP2 the Premiere medadata ... using EXIFTool(so I get chapter markers).
I did analysis and every MP2 encoder was better than Premiere in terms of speed and quality.
I haven't burned a DVD/VOB (with MP2) probably 2 years but when I do, I do Frameserver to a "real Mpeg 2 encoder" instead of that sorry excuse that Adobe provides. Tapping into FFMPEG's mp2 encoder would help a lot ... if I ever do DVDs again.
Are you using PPro? and what level? I have attached the .epr files that I use for PPro 2020 with Voukoder 9.2. I use them with NVidia 1050 and 950 with driver level 452.06.
I confirmed that files I generate with these presets import correctly (without recode) into TMPGEnc Authorworks 6 for BluRay.