Resolve 18.1.3 works fine
Posts by fabricio1211
Gracias. Eso funcionó, más o menos. Voukoder aún no me permite exportar video con mi tarjeta gráfica si el metraje es más ancho que 4096. Eso parece ser cierto en ffmpeg para h.264, pero no para h.265 con hevc_nvenc
Premiere 2022, there is neither NVENC nor QSV.
Voukoder 11.1 works fine.
Voukoder 11.2 creates a video without audio.
Are you using an effect that is not supported by your gpu?
Your cpu and ram may be causing a bottleneck
Will you add h265 12b(intel QSV)?
There is only h264 QSV
I updated drivers from to and now it works.
Will there be h265(intel QSV)?
Then, why is there that option in voukoder?
I can't export h264 10bit nvenc (rtx 3070) either.
Does anyone know what gpu can do it?
Well, I see that it says "10 bit encode not supported", so rtx 3070 can't export h264 10b? what card can do it?
[10:47:14] Export started
[10:47:14] ---------------------------------------------
[10:47:14] Filename: D:\Videos\Inazuma Ed 1-1_4.mp4
[10:47:14] Application: Voukoder (Adobe Premiere)
[10:47:14] - Video -------------------------------------
[10:47:14] Frame size: 1280x720
[10:47:14] Pixel aspect: 1:1
[10:47:14] Timebase: 1001/30000 (29.97 fps)
[10:47:14] Interlaced: No
[10:47:14] Encoder: h264_nvenc
[10:47:14] Options: _computeCapability=8.6 _pixelFormat=p010le gpu=0 preset=medium profile=main qp=23 rc=constqp
[10:47:14] Side data: <none>
[10:47:14] Filters: <none>
[10:47:14] Passes: 1
[10:47:14] Color range: unknown
[10:47:14] Color space: unknown
[10:47:14] Color primaries: unknown
[10:47:14] Color transfer: unknown
[10:47:14] - Audio -------------------------------------
[10:47:14] Timebase: 1/48000
[10:47:14] Channels: 2
[10:47:14] Encoder: aac
[10:47:14] Options: _sampleFormat=fltp b=320000 profile=aac_low
[10:47:14] Side data: <none>
[10:47:14] Filters: <none>
[10:47:14] ---------------------------------------------
[10:47:14] Opening codec: h264_nvenc with options: gpu=0|preset=medium|profile=main|qp=23|rc=constqp
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded lib: nvcuda.dll
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuInit
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetCount
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGet
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetAttribute
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetName
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDeviceComputeCapability
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuCtxCreate_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuCtxSetLimit
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuCtxPushCurrent_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuCtxPopCurrent_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuCtxDestroy_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuMemAlloc_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuMemAllocPitch_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuMemsetD8Async
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuMemFree_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuMemcpy
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuMemcpyAsync
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuMemcpy2D_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuGetErrorName
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuGetErrorString
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuCtxGetDevice
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuStreamCreate
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuStreamQuery
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuStreamSynchronize
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuStreamDestroy_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuStreamAddCallback
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuEventCreate
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuEventDestroy_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuEventSynchronize
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuEventQuery
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuEventRecord
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuLaunchKernel
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuLinkCreate
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuLinkAddData
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuLinkComplete
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuLinkDestroy
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuModuleLoadData
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuModuleUnload
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuModuleGetFunction
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuModuleGetGlobal
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuTexObjectCreate
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuTexObjectDestroy
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuGLGetDevices_v2
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsGLRegisterImage
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsUnregisterResource
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsMapResources
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsUnmapResources
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetUuid
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuImportExternalMemory
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDestroyExternalMemory
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuMipmappedArrayDestroy
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuImportExternalSemaphore
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuDestroyExternalSemaphore
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded lib: nvEncodeAPI64.dll
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: NvEncodeAPICreateInstance
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded sym: NvEncodeAPIGetMaxSupportedVersion
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Loaded Nvenc version 11.1
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Nvenc initialized successfully
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuInit(0)
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceGetCount(&nb_devices)
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: 1 CUDA capable devices found
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceGet(&cu_device, idx)
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceGetName(name, sizeof(name), cu_device)
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceComputeCapability(&major, &minor, cu_device)
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: [ GPU #0 - < NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 > has Compute SM 8.6 ]
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxCreate(&ctx->cu_context_internal, 0, cu_device)
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxPopCurrent(&dummy)
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: 10 bit encode not supported
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxPushCurrent(ctx->cu_context)
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxPopCurrent(&dummy)
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxDestroy(ctx->cu_context_internal)
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: No capable devices found
[10:47:14] FFmpeg: Nvenc unloaded
[10:47:14] Failed opening codec: h264_nvenc
[10:47:14] Unable to open video encoder: h264_nvenc
[10:47:14] Closing encoders ...
[10:47:14] Opening encoder failed! Aborting ...
Hi, I can't export h264(nvenc) 10b, h265 works, but when I export h264 10b I get this error.
I'm using a Rtx 3070, Premiere 2021(15.1.0), voukoder 9.2.
The only odd thing is that voukoder is using pixelFormat=p010le, when it should use pixelFormat=yuv444p or yuv420p
Thanks in advance.
[00:58:47] =============================================
[00:58:47] Voukoder 9.2 (9.2.137)
[00:58:47] by Daniel Stankewitz
[00:58:47] ---------------------------------------------
[00:58:47] 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-11400 @ 2.60GHz
[00:58:47] 12 logical cores
[00:58:47] 32623 MB system memory
[00:58:47] Display #0 on: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
[00:58:47] ---------------------------------------------
[00:58:47] Loading: translations/english.json
[00:58:47] Loading: translations/german.json
[00:58:47] Loading: translations/french.json
[00:58:47] Loading: translations/简体ä¸æ–‡.json
[00:58:47] Loading: translations/russian.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/dca.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/eac3.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/truehd.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/wavpack.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/aac.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/ac3.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/alac.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/ffv1.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/flac.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/h264_amf.json
[00:58:47] - Encoder initialization failed (Code: -1313558101)
[00:58:47] Unloading: encoders/h264_amf.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/h264_nvenc.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/hevc_amf.json
[00:58:47] - Encoder initialization failed (Code: -1313558101)
[00:58:47] Unloading: encoders/hevc_amf.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/hevc_nvenc.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/libfdk_aac.json
[00:58:47] - Encoder initialization failed (Code: -1)
[00:58:47] Unloading: encoders/libfdk_aac.json
[00:58:47] Loading: encoders/libmp3lame.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/libopus.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/libvorbis.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/libvpx.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/libvpx-vp9.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/libx264.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/libx265.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/pcm_s16le.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/pcm_s24le.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/pcm_s32le.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/prores_ks.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/hap.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/h264_qsv.json
[00:58:48] - Encoder initialization failed (Code: -40)
[00:58:48] Unloading: encoders/h264_qsv.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/hevc_qsv.json
[00:58:48] - Encoder initialization failed (Code: -40)
[00:58:48] Unloading: encoders/hevc_qsv.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/libsvtav1.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/vp9_qsv.json
[00:58:48] - Encoder initialization failed (Code: -40)
[00:58:48] Unloading: encoders/vp9_qsv.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/gif.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/bmp.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/png.json
[00:58:48] Unloading: encoders/png.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/tiff.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/qtrle.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/utvideo.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/cfhd.json
[00:58:48] Loading: encoders/prores_aw.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/wv.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/matroska.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/mov.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/mp4.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/webm.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/mp3.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/opus.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/ogg.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/flac.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/adts.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/wav.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/h264.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/hevc.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/mpeg2video.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/mpegts.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/gif.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/image2#bmp.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/image2#png.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/image2#tif.json
[00:58:48] Loading: muxers/avi.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/bwdif.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/colorspace.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/crop.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/eq.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/hqdn3d.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/nlmeans.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/pad.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/removegrain.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/setdar.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/setparams.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/setsar.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/tmix.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/unsharp.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/yadif.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/zscale.json
[00:58:48] Loading: filters/atrim.json
[01:13:00] ---------------------------------------------
[01:13:00] Export started
[01:13:00] ---------------------------------------------
[01:13:00] Filename: D:\Videos\Inazuma Ed 1-1_4.mp4
[01:13:00] Application: Voukoder (Adobe Premiere)
[01:13:00] - Video -------------------------------------
[01:13:00] Frame size: 1280x720
[01:13:00] Pixel aspect: 1:1
[01:13:00] Timebase: 1001/30000 (29.97 fps)
[01:13:00] Interlaced: No
[01:13:00] Encoder: h264_nvenc
[01:13:00] Options: _computeCapability=8.6 _pixelFormat=p010le gpu=0 preset=medium profile=main qp=23 rc=constqp
[01:13:00] Side data: <none>
[01:13:00] Filters: <none>
[01:13:00] Passes: 1
[01:13:00] Color range: unknown
[01:13:00] Color space: unknown
[01:13:00] Color primaries: unknown
[01:13:00] Color transfer: unknown
[01:13:00] - Audio -------------------------------------
[01:13:00] Timebase: 1/48000
[01:13:00] Channels: 2
[01:13:00] Encoder: aac
[01:13:00] Options: _sampleFormat=fltp b=320000 profile=aac_low
[01:13:00] Side data: <none>
[01:13:00] Filters: <none>
[01:13:00] ---------------------------------------------
[01:13:00] Opening codec: h264_nvenc with options: gpu=0|preset=medium|profile=main|qp=23|rc=constqp
[01:13:00] Failed opening codec: h264_nvenc
[01:13:00] Unable to open video encoder: h264_nvenc
[01:13:00] Closing encoders ...
[01:13:00] Opening encoder failed! Aborting ...
I see then, isn't it possible to add?