[20:39:08] ============================================= [20:39:08] Voukoder 6.1d (6.1.89) [20:39:08] by Daniel Stankewitz [20:39:08] --------------------------------------------- [20:39:08] Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz [20:39:08] 8 logical cores [20:39:08] 32751 MB system memory [20:39:08] Display #0 on: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 [20:39:08] Display #1 on: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 [20:39:08] --------------------------------------------- [20:39:08] Plugin running in VirtualDub 1.10.4 - [DSCF3354.mp4] [20:39:08] --------------------------------------------- [20:39:11] Plugin running in VirtualDub 1.10.4 - [DSCF3354.mp4] [20:39:11] --------------------------------------------- [20:39:13] Loading: translations/english.json [20:39:13] Loading: translations/german.json [20:39:13] Loading: translations/french.json [20:39:13] Loading: translations/russian.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/dca.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/eac3.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/truehd.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/wavpack.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/aac.json [20:39:13] FF: Qavg: -nan(ind) [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/ac3.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/alac.json [20:39:13] FF: encoding as 24 bits-per-sample [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/ffv1.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/flac.json [20:39:13] FF: compression: 5 [20:39:13] FF: lpc type: Levinson-Durbin recursion with Welch window [20:39:13] FF: prediction order: 1, 8 [20:39:13] FF: order method: estimate [20:39:13] FF: partition order: 0, 8 [20:39:13] FF: block size: 4608 [20:39:13] FF: lpc precision: 15 [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/h264_amf.json [20:39:13] FF: DLL amfrt64.dll failed to open [20:39:13] Encoder returned: -1313558101 [20:39:13] Unloading: encoders/h264_amf.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/h264_nvenc.json [20:39:13] FF: Loaded lib: nvcuda.dll [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuInit [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetCount [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGet [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetAttribute [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetName [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceComputeCapability [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxCreate_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxSetLimit [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxPushCurrent_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxPopCurrent_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxDestroy_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemAlloc_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemAllocPitch_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemsetD8Async [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemFree_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemcpy2D_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGetErrorName [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGetErrorString [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxGetDevice [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuStreamCreate [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuStreamQuery [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuStreamSynchronize [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuStreamDestroy_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuStreamAddCallback [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuEventCreate [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuEventDestroy_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuEventSynchronize [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuEventQuery [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuEventRecord [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuLaunchKernel [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuModuleLoadData [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuModuleUnload [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuModuleGetFunction [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuTexObjectCreate [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuTexObjectDestroy [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGLGetDevices_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsGLRegisterImage [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsUnregisterResource [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsMapResources [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsUnmapResources [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetUuid [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuImportExternalMemory [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDestroyExternalMemory [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMipmappedArrayDestroy [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuImportExternalSemaphore [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDestroyExternalSemaphore [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync [20:39:13] FF: Loaded lib: nvEncodeAPI64.dll [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: NvEncodeAPICreateInstance [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: NvEncodeAPIGetMaxSupportedVersion [20:39:13] FF: Loaded Nvenc version 10.0 [20:39:13] FF: Nvenc initialized successfully [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuInit(0) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceGetCount(&nb_devices) [20:39:13] FF: 1 CUDA capable devices found [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceGet(&cu_device, idx) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceGetName(name, sizeof(name), cu_device) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceComputeCapability(&major, &minor, cu_device) [20:39:13] FF: [ GPU #0 - < GeForce GTX 760 > has Compute SM 3.0 ] [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxCreate(&ctx->cu_context_internal, 0, cu_device) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxPopCurrent(&dummy) [20:39:13] FF: Lossless encoding not supported [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxPushCurrent(ctx->cu_context) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxPopCurrent(&dummy) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxDestroy(ctx->cu_context_internal) [20:39:13] FF: No capable devices found [20:39:13] FF: Nvenc unloaded [20:39:13] Encoder returned: -542398533 [20:39:13] Unloading: encoders/h264_nvenc.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/hevc_amf.json [20:39:13] FF: DLL amfrt64.dll failed to open [20:39:13] Encoder returned: -1313558101 [20:39:13] Unloading: encoders/hevc_amf.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/hevc_nvenc.json [20:39:13] FF: Loaded lib: nvcuda.dll [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuInit [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetCount [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGet [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetAttribute [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetName [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceComputeCapability [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxCreate_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxSetLimit [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxPushCurrent_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxPopCurrent_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxDestroy_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemAlloc_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemAllocPitch_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemsetD8Async [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemFree_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemcpy2D_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMemcpy2DAsync_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGetErrorName [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGetErrorString [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuCtxGetDevice [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxRelease [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxSetFlags [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxGetState [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDevicePrimaryCtxReset [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuStreamCreate [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuStreamQuery [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuStreamSynchronize [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuStreamDestroy_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuStreamAddCallback [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuEventCreate [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuEventDestroy_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuEventSynchronize [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuEventQuery [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuEventRecord [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuLaunchKernel [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuModuleLoadData [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuModuleUnload [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuModuleGetFunction [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuTexObjectCreate [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuTexObjectDestroy [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGLGetDevices_v2 [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsGLRegisterImage [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsUnregisterResource [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsMapResources [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsUnmapResources [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuGraphicsSubResourceGetMappedArray [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDeviceGetUuid [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuImportExternalMemory [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDestroyExternalMemory [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuExternalMemoryGetMappedBuffer [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuExternalMemoryGetMappedMipmappedArray [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMipmappedArrayGetLevel [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuMipmappedArrayDestroy [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuImportExternalSemaphore [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuDestroyExternalSemaphore [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuSignalExternalSemaphoresAsync [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: cuWaitExternalSemaphoresAsync [20:39:13] FF: Loaded lib: nvEncodeAPI64.dll [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: NvEncodeAPICreateInstance [20:39:13] FF: Loaded sym: NvEncodeAPIGetMaxSupportedVersion [20:39:13] FF: Loaded Nvenc version 10.0 [20:39:13] FF: Nvenc initialized successfully [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuInit(0) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceGetCount(&nb_devices) [20:39:13] FF: 1 CUDA capable devices found [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceGet(&cu_device, idx) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceGetName(name, sizeof(name), cu_device) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuDeviceComputeCapability(&major, &minor, cu_device) [20:39:13] FF: [ GPU #0 - < GeForce GTX 760 > has Compute SM 3.0 ] [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxCreate(&ctx->cu_context_internal, 0, cu_device) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxPopCurrent(&dummy) [20:39:13] FF: Codec not supported [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxPushCurrent(ctx->cu_context) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxPopCurrent(&dummy) [20:39:13] FF: Calling dl_fn->cuda_dl->cuCtxDestroy(ctx->cu_context_internal) [20:39:13] FF: No capable devices found [20:39:13] FF: Nvenc unloaded [20:39:13] Encoder returned: -542398533 [20:39:13] Unloading: encoders/hevc_nvenc.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/libfdk_aac.json [20:39:13] FF: Unable to load libfdk-aac-2.dll [20:39:13] Encoder returned: -1 [20:39:13] Unloading: encoders/libfdk_aac.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/libmp3lame.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/libopus.json [20:39:13] FF: No bit rate set. Defaulting to 96000 bps. [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/libvorbis.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/libvpx.json [20:39:13] FF: v1.9.0-62-gd1a78971e [20:39:13] FF: --prefix=/c/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/ffmpeg_nightly_release/build --target=x86_64-win64-vs15 --enable-vp9-highbitdepth --disable-shared --disable-examples --disable-tools --disable-docs --disable-libyuv --disable-unit_tests --disable-postproc [20:39:13] FF: vpx_codec_enc_cfg [20:39:13] FF: generic settings g_usage: 0 g_threads: 0 g_profile: 0 g_w: 320 g_h: 240 g_bit_depth: 8 g_input_bit_depth: 8 g_timebase: {1/30} g_error_resilient: 0 g_pass: 0 g_lag_in_frames: 0 [20:39:13] FF: rate control settings rc_dropframe_thresh: 0 rc_resize_allowed: 0 rc_resize_up_thresh: 60 rc_resize_down_thresh: 30 rc_end_usage: 0 rc_twopass_stats_in: 0000000000000000(0) rc_target_bitrate: 256 [20:39:13] FF: quantizer settings rc_min_quantizer: 4 rc_max_quantizer: 63 [20:39:13] FF: bitrate tolerance rc_undershoot_pct: 100 rc_overshoot_pct: 100 [20:39:13] FF: temporal layering settings ts_number_layers: 1 [20:39:13] FF: ts_target_bitrate: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: ts_rate_decimator: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: ts_periodicity: 0 [20:39:13] FF: ts_layer_id: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: decoder buffer model rc_buf_sz: 6000 rc_buf_initial_sz: 4000 rc_buf_optimal_sz: 5000 [20:39:13] FF: 2 pass rate control settings rc_2pass_vbr_bias_pct: 50 rc_2pass_vbr_minsection_pct: 0 rc_2pass_vbr_maxsection_pct: 400 [20:39:13] FF: rc_2pass_vbr_corpus_complexity:0 [20:39:13] FF: keyframing settings kf_mode: 1 kf_min_dist: 0 kf_max_dist: 128 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: Neither bitrate nor constrained quality specified, using default CRF of 32 and bitrate of 256kbit/sec [20:39:13] FF: vpx_codec_enc_cfg [20:39:13] FF: generic settings g_usage: 0 g_threads: 1 g_profile: 0 g_w: 320 g_h: 240 g_bit_depth: 8 g_input_bit_depth: 8 g_timebase: {1/25} g_error_resilient: 0 g_pass: 0 g_lag_in_frames: 25 [20:39:13] FF: rate control settings rc_dropframe_thresh: 0 rc_resize_allowed: 0 rc_resize_up_thresh: 60 rc_resize_down_thresh: 30 rc_end_usage: 2 rc_twopass_stats_in: 0000000000000000(0) rc_target_bitrate: 256 [20:39:13] FF: quantizer settings rc_min_quantizer: 4 rc_max_quantizer: 63 [20:39:13] FF: bitrate tolerance rc_undershoot_pct: 100 rc_overshoot_pct: 100 [20:39:13] FF: temporal layering settings ts_number_layers: 1 [20:39:13] FF: ts_target_bitrate: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: ts_rate_decimator: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: ts_periodicity: 0 [20:39:13] FF: ts_layer_id: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: decoder buffer model rc_buf_sz: 6000 rc_buf_initial_sz: 4000 rc_buf_optimal_sz: 5000 [20:39:13] FF: 2 pass rate control settings rc_2pass_vbr_bias_pct: 50 rc_2pass_vbr_minsection_pct: 0 rc_2pass_vbr_maxsection_pct: 400 [20:39:13] FF: rc_2pass_vbr_corpus_complexity:0 [20:39:13] FF: keyframing settings kf_mode: 1 kf_min_dist: 0 kf_max_dist: 128 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: vpx_codec_control [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_CPUUSED: 1 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_ARNR_MAXFRAMES: 0 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_ARNR_STRENGTH: 3 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_ARNR_TYPE: 3 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_NOISE_SENSITIVITY: 0 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_TOKEN_PARTITIONS: 0 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_STATIC_THRESHOLD: 0 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_CQ_LEVEL: 32 [20:39:13] FF: Using deadline: 1000000 [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/libvpx-vp9.json [20:39:13] FF: v1.9.0-62-gd1a78971e [20:39:13] FF: --prefix=/c/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/ffmpeg_nightly_release/build --target=x86_64-win64-vs15 --enable-vp9-highbitdepth --disable-shared --disable-examples --disable-tools --disable-docs --disable-libyuv --disable-unit_tests --disable-postproc [20:39:13] FF: vpx_codec_enc_cfg [20:39:13] FF: generic settings g_usage: 0 g_threads: 8 g_profile: 0 g_w: 320 g_h: 240 g_bit_depth: 8 g_input_bit_depth: 8 g_timebase: {1/30} g_error_resilient: 0 g_pass: 0 g_lag_in_frames: 25 [20:39:13] FF: rate control settings rc_dropframe_thresh: 0 rc_resize_allowed: 0 rc_resize_up_thresh: 60 rc_resize_down_thresh: 30 rc_end_usage: 0 rc_twopass_stats_in: 0000000000000000(0) rc_target_bitrate: 256 [20:39:13] FF: quantizer settings rc_min_quantizer: 0 rc_max_quantizer: 63 [20:39:13] FF: bitrate tolerance rc_undershoot_pct: 25 rc_overshoot_pct: 25 [20:39:13] FF: temporal layering settings ts_number_layers: 1 [20:39:13] FF: layer_target_bitrate: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: ts_rate_decimator: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: ts_periodicity: 0 [20:39:13] FF: ts_layer_id: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: decoder buffer model rc_buf_sz: 6000 rc_buf_initial_sz: 4000 rc_buf_optimal_sz: 5000 [20:39:13] FF: 2 pass rate control settings rc_2pass_vbr_bias_pct: 50 rc_2pass_vbr_minsection_pct: 0 rc_2pass_vbr_maxsection_pct: 2000 [20:39:13] FF: rc_2pass_vbr_corpus_complexity:0 [20:39:13] FF: keyframing settings kf_mode: 1 kf_min_dist: 0 kf_max_dist: 128 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: Neither bitrate nor constrained quality specified, using default CRF of 32 [20:39:13] FF: vpx_codec_enc_cfg [20:39:13] FF: generic settings g_usage: 0 g_threads: 1 g_profile: 0 g_w: 320 g_h: 240 g_bit_depth: 8 g_input_bit_depth: 8 g_timebase: {1/25} g_error_resilient: 0 g_pass: 0 g_lag_in_frames: 25 [20:39:13] FF: rate control settings rc_dropframe_thresh: 0 rc_resize_allowed: 0 rc_resize_up_thresh: 60 rc_resize_down_thresh: 30 rc_end_usage: 3 rc_twopass_stats_in: 0000000000000000(0) rc_target_bitrate: 256 [20:39:13] FF: quantizer settings rc_min_quantizer: 0 rc_max_quantizer: 63 [20:39:13] FF: bitrate tolerance rc_undershoot_pct: 25 rc_overshoot_pct: 25 [20:39:13] FF: temporal layering settings ts_number_layers: 1 [20:39:13] FF: layer_target_bitrate: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: ts_rate_decimator: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: ts_periodicity: 0 [20:39:13] FF: ts_layer_id: [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: 0 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: decoder buffer model rc_buf_sz: 6000 rc_buf_initial_sz: 4000 rc_buf_optimal_sz: 5000 [20:39:13] FF: 2 pass rate control settings rc_2pass_vbr_bias_pct: 50 rc_2pass_vbr_minsection_pct: 0 rc_2pass_vbr_maxsection_pct: 2000 [20:39:13] FF: rc_2pass_vbr_corpus_complexity:0 [20:39:13] FF: keyframing settings kf_mode: 1 kf_min_dist: 0 kf_max_dist: 128 [20:39:13] FF: [20:39:13] FF: vpx_codec_control [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_CPUUSED: 1 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_ARNR_MAXFRAMES: 0 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_ARNR_STRENGTH: 3 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_ARNR_TYPE: 3 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_STATIC_THRESHOLD: 0 [20:39:13] FF: VP8E_SET_CQ_LEVEL: 32 [20:39:13] FF: VP9E_SET_COLOR_SPACE: 0 [20:39:13] FF: VP9E_SET_COLOR_RANGE: 0 [20:39:13] FF: VP9E_SET_TARGET_LEVEL: 255 [20:39:13] FF: Using deadline: 1000000 [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/libx264.json [20:39:13] FF: using mv_range_thread = 24 [20:39:13] FF: using cpu capabilities: MMX2 SSE2Fast SSSE3 SSE4.2 AVX [20:39:13] FF: profile High, level 1.3, 4:2:0, 8-bit [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/libx265.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/pcm_s16le.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/pcm_s24le.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/pcm_s32le.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/prores_ks.json [20:39:13] FF: Autoselected HQ profile to keep best quality. It can be overridden through -profile option. [20:39:13] FF: profile 3, 45 slices, interlacing: no, 1566 bits per MB [20:39:13] FF: frame size upper bound: 72604 [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/hap.json [20:39:13] Loading: encoders/h264_qsv.json [20:39:14] FF: Error initializing an internal MFX session: unsupported (-3) [20:39:14] Encoder returned: -40 [20:39:14] Unloading: encoders/h264_qsv.json [20:39:14] Loading: encoders/hevc_qsv.json [20:39:14] FF: Error initializing an internal MFX session: unsupported (-3) [20:39:14] Encoder returned: -40 [20:39:14] Unloading: encoders/hevc_qsv.json [20:39:14] Loading: encoders/libsvt_av1.json [20:39:14] Unloading: encoders/libsvt_av1.json [20:39:14] Loading: encoders/vp9_qsv.json [20:39:14] FF: Error initializing an internal MFX session: unsupported (-3) [20:39:14] Encoder returned: -40 [20:39:14] Unloading: encoders/vp9_qsv.json [20:39:14] Loading: encoders/gif.json [20:39:14] Loading: encoders/bmp.json [20:39:14] Loading: encoders/png.json [20:39:14] Unloading: encoders/png.json [20:39:14] Loading: encoders/tiff.json [20:39:14] Loading: encoders/qtrle.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/wv.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/matroska.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/mov.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/mp4.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/webm.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/mp3.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/opus.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/ogg.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/flac.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/adts.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/wav.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/h264.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/hevc.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/mpeg2video.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/mpegts.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/gif.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/image2#bmp.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/image2#png.json [20:39:14] Loading: muxers/image2#tif.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/bwdif.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/colorspace.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/crop.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/eq.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/hqdn3d.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/nlmeans.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/pad.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/removegrain.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/setparams.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/unsharp.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/yadif.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/zscale.json [20:39:14] Loading: filters/atrim.json